  • SG Mystery Discount Box - Gold

    SG Mystery Discount Box - Gold

    FG icon
    • Gold Mystery Box - What's inside?
    • Mystery Premium Bong
    • Mystery Bubbler
    • Mystery Lighter
    • Mystery Grinder
    • Premium Hand Pipe
    • Rolling Paper
    • Mystery Wrap
    • $120 Dollar Value!! 

    The SG Mystery Box - Gold contains a variety of high-quality smoking essentials, including a mystery bong, a mystery lighter, a mystery grinder, a premium hand pipe, rolling paper, mystery bubbler, and mystery wrap. Unveil the mysteries and elevate your smoking experience with this exclusive box.
    • $64.99
    • $119.99
    • - 46%

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews

    Great stuff

    christopher cowles

    Amazing mystery selection. I probably received about $300 worth of glass if not more.. plus a pretty dope grinder. Got a book of papers that seem to be good (haven’t used yet)… overall would buy again.. oh only downside, wraps are super stale like can’t even use, and when you look at pic on website it shows a rolling tray but if you read careful it doesn’t come with one, kinda sus but yet I would do it again cuz of the amazing quality and style of glass. Stoned Genie is killer for this one, bet that. 😁 cheers!

    Great price fast shipping

    This mystery is well worth it. Bong hits great the bubbler is good and the glass pipe looks good I haven't used it yet but I will haven't used the rolling papers I really like the grinder leaves ur weed fluffy... now to the only thing that was disappointing is the wrap its Stale and really just crumble and ripped did not get to try them. I was looking forward to using them.. other than that all great I have ordered from Stoned Genie and will keep using them better good stuff lower prices fast shipping thank u Stoned Genie great customer service

    Customer Reviews

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